We still have a lot of work to do for millions of people trapped in a cycle of poverty caused by these preventable diseases.
In Nigeria, Neglected Tropical Diseases or NTDs like Buruli ulcer, Leprosy, Lymphatic filariasis, Yaws, etc, are still persistent.
By reaching everyone with the solutions we have, and investing to find the solutions we don’t have, we can curb this menace. With the right investment and awareness, early case detection can be increased and more people are saved before it becomes chronic. Communities are empowered to provide the right treatment to persons affected and more awareness is channelled to protecting their rights from stigmatization and exclusion from community activities.
This year the World Health Organization (WHO) will launch the #NTDRoadmap2030, with ambitious new goals to lead us into the next decade of collective action. We ask for your partnership in making sure we get everyone over to this last mile. As we celebrate #WorldNTDDay on 30th January 2021 and #WorldLeprosyDay on 31st January, we renew this call of collective community action to end the neglect and beat NTDs.,
The facts as we know them say that more than 1.7 billion people are threatened by Neglected Tropical Diseases, NTDs, which is 1 in every 5 persons in the world. It is a huge number to neglect; it is even more worrisome that it affects most people living in the poorest and marginalized communities around the world, sub-Saharan Africa included. These diseases blind, disable and disfigure people, taking away not only their health, but also their chances of staying in school, earning a decent living, or even being accepted by their family or community.
#COVID_19 pandemic has set a new standard; we saw what the right investments and actions can do within a short period. We witnessed the power of community service and the sheer essence of collaboration in pursuing a common goal. This is the new normal, we are all one people pushing for everyone to have an equal opportunity to a healthy life. Since 2012 alone, 33 countries have eliminated at least one NTD.
Today, we are reaching more people with NTD treatment than ever before. If you join us, we can maintain this trajectory.