If only …


“If only I had not chased down that bus, my two legs would still be here just like yours. As a little boy I sold things in traffic congested areas on the highways to hungry travelers who are unable to stop and shop. On this particular day, a potential customer wanted to patronize me so I ran after the bus to make my sales; the driver did not slow down – they never do. I opened my eyes to find myself on a hospital bed; my legs were all hung up, and my whole body wrapped in swathing clothes and bandages. It was funny, I thought it was one of those crazy dreams children had, but no- I slept back and woke up again to find the same me still wrapped and lying like a vegetable and not being able to move a muscle. It took about nine years of treatment before the doctors told me that I will have to let my right leg go if I wish to continue being alive. They said it was bacterial infection. All the same, I love life and I love living even though life became a lot more difficult after the accident and much more worst after I lost my right leg; Still I’m grateful to be alive.”

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